About Us

Who We Are

CFP is a full-service investment advisory firm that offers practical, strategic and commercially sound advice for the development and financing of major projects, particularly in infrastructure through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Founded on local insights and international perspectives, we can assist at key stages of a project’s development, from implementation through to execution and post-financial close, to help our clients make well-informed business, investment or policy decisions.

CFP principals have a combined 40-year professional experience in development consulting, corporate finance, business acquisitions, privatization, and PPP advisory. The firm’s specialists in law, finance and engineering have an established track record with global companies, investment banks, development organizations, including The World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, USAID and AusAID, and international consulting firms.

The group was founded by Sol Castro, Hector Florento and their partner consultants – hence the name CFP.

Our mission

To enable businesses to succeed and equally help people improve their lives through better services and infrastructure.

Our vision

At the heart of every CFP mandate is our vision to be the most trusted partner in project development and deal advisory that will deliver profound and sustainable benefits for all especially our clients. We seek to be most admired for our people, partnerships and performance.

Multidisciplinary Investment Advisory Services

CFP’s core competence of advising on infrastructure transactions is supported by multidisciplinary consulting services covering the financial, technical, legal and regulatory aspects of an investment opportunity. The diversity in our professions and career fields allows us to effectively and holistically advise investors, developers/proponents, lenders, government sponsors and donor agencies on projects in different key sectors including power, water and sanitation, transportation, and property development.

Our breadth of expertise and network in development consulting, corporate finance, business acquisitions, privatization and PPPs, combined with the depth of our local market knowledge, make us a leading firm in infrastructure transaction advisory.





Knowledge of the process of introducing the private sector and the impact of reform decisions on the ability to attract private equity and debt finance.


Knowledge of both the local legal and regulatory frameworks and best international practice in the drafting of contracts or legislation.


Knowledge of the engineering, operational, environmental and other technical aspects of the infrastructure sector involved.

Our Partners