Juliet Villegas

Dr. Juliet Horfilla Villegas, Ph.D. is CFP’s Senior Stakeholder Relations Advisor. She is a recognized specialist in participatory planning and stakeholder engagement with over 30 years of experience in carrying out social and community development, urban services, tourism, environment, and good governance projects.

Dr. Villegas has extensive experience as an independent consultant for international organizations like the World Bank, ADB, AusAID, and ILO, and has worked for several global development consulting firms. She has also been generous in sharing her expertise with various public sector organizations, including the Manila Department of Social Welfare as the head, the Community Relations Office of the National Housing Authority as a deputy head, and the Philippine Tourism Authority as the Deputy General Manager for Administration. She is currently the Executive Director of the National Parks Development Committee, an attached agency of the Department of Tourism, appointed by Philippine President Benigno Simeon Aquino III.

Jett Villegas is a social worker by profession with impressive academic credentials obtained from six different academic institutions. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work cum laude, a graduate degree in Management, Social Work and Urban Planning, and a graduate degree and a Ph.D. in Public Management. She has also attended the prestigious Housing and Urban Development Institute in Rotterdam, Netherlands and Bandung, Indonesia. Jett is a member of the Philippine Association of Social Workers and former president of the Manila Urban Basic Services Foundation.